I have been studying Japanese since 1,5 years ago and have passed the Chuukyuu level (like..middle level?) in the Japanese course where I studied at. I decided to take N4 which I thought was okay for people who can speak Japanese in Chuukyuu level.
I studied from an N4 book (which I think is officially released by the JLPT team) and from the books in the Japan Foundation's library--sadly I couldn't borrow those books because I'm not a member of the library, and to save time, I only read the vocabulary section :(
Finally the day of the exam had arrived! The exam was held in a school. A lot of people was taking the exam.
The first section of the exam was vocabulary and kanji. I felt that it was really easy. That time, I thought that if I knew the exam was this easy, I wouldn't study at all. The vocabulary and kanji was really easy compared to what I was trying hard to memorize. I was confident that I would definitely pass this exam with a great score.
The second section was grammar and reading comprehension. Well, I didn't study grammar at all because I thought that it wouldn't be too different from what I studied at the course. But when I looked at those question...God, I didn't even know what I was answering. My mind went crazy. Even though it was actually simple particles, but somehow I just couldn't find the right answers. Gahh! Finally I moved on to the reading comprehension questions. Then I was like....akskdjdhdjdkahsh y the passages r fckin long????!! N the questions r all traps!! Y the passages on the book I studied isnt this long and isnt this difficult to understand?!!.. And then suddenly the observer of our exam said that only 15 minutes left to do the exam. All of my confidence broke down.... I didn't have enough time to read all those long passages so I just picked one of the choices randomly. I really regrets that I only focused on studying vocabulary. I should have study the grammar and reading comprehension part from the books in Japan Foundation's library too, really ;;--;;
The last section was listening. The questions were only played once and luckily, they were quite easy.. But my mind had went mad from earlier, so I didn't really concentrate answering those listening questions. I hope that I choosed the right answers though..
That was my somehow-sad-experience on taking JLPT exam, please excuse my engrish :3
On Aug 27, the results of JLPT were announced..........thank God, I passed the exam!!
My total score is 136 out of 180 XD